Traveling Tour Guides | Your Dream Destinations

14 most attractive Places to Visit in the US

If you already have a US visa and tickets to the US in hand, plan to visit unmissable places in the United States. 

We’ve already seen some amazing natural wonders around the world. It turns out that there are plenty of places surreal enough for you to see without having to cross the planet. Just buy airline tickets to the United States and get ready to create fascinating itineraries. Not believing? So take a look at these must-see destinations!

1. Yellowstone National Park – Wyoming

This nature-created beauty is the largest hot spring you’ll find in the United States, and the third-largest in the world, just behind one in New Zealand, specifically the Frying Pan Lake, and another in Dominica, the Boiling Lake. The colours of the spring water come from the pigmented bacteria in the waters, where, unfortunately, it is not possible to dive. But, you can go around the embroidery and take really nice pictures.


2. Horsetail Waterfall – Yosemite National Park – California

This occasional cascade in Yosemite will help you to remember Mordor from The Lord of the Rings, yet relax: the rosy gleam of the cascade is only the impression of the sun on the water, there’s nothing radiant there! This wonder, uncommon and staggering, happens explicitly in about fourteen days of the period of February, and it is essential that the skies are clear and that the cascades in the recreation center are not frozen for it to occur.

3. Fly Geyser – Nevada

Rent a car in Reno and drive for just over two hours to reach Fly Geyser. This geyser emerged after drilling into the ground with the aim of finding geothermal energy sources in 1964. Minerals jumped out of the hole and created this wonderfully strange formation.

The Fly Geyser sits on private property, so don’t try to climb the high fences that protect it. In fact, climbing the rails is not necessary, as, thanks to its grandeur, it is possible to see it from the road.

4. Mono Lake – California

When you see Mono Lake face to face, you’ll feel like you’re on another planet. Snow-covered mountains encompass this pungent blue lake that has a ton of Tufa, a segment of limestone coming about because of the saltiness of the water.


5. The Wave – ​Arizona

It took millions of years for the winds to erode the Navajo sandstone, in Arizona‘s Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs desert, before this streaked wavy formation emerged.

6. Glass Beach – California

Let’s go back to the not-so-glorious times of the early 1900s when residents dumped all sorts of household waste along the cliffs and onto the beach at Fort Bragg, 276 km outside San Francisco. A few decades have passed and the only things the Pacific Ocean has not taken away are glass and pottery, which after years of erosion took on the shape of very different stones.

7. Northern Lights – Alaska

The Northern Lights or Northern Lights will make your jaw drop as soon as you catch a glimpse of this spectacle up close. To experience this unique moment in the United States, the tip is to book a trip to visit cities like Fairbanks or Anchorage, between the months of September and April.

8. Sequoia National Park – California

Next to these giant trees, you’re sure to feel tiny, as small as you’ve never felt before. That’s because redwoods can reach a height equivalent to the length of a football field. The biggest of them, for example, is the Tree of General Sherman, with almost 100 meters of altitude and about 2,500 years of existence.

9. Thor’s Well – Oregon

When passing through the state of Oregon, no traveller should miss Cape Perpetua. There, an hour before and an hour after the tide rises, it is possible to see a true spectacle of nature in the Well of Thor (in English, Thor Court). This saltwater source shows all the power of the tides and the ocean and is therefore very dangerous. The tip is to photograph it from a safe distance.


10. Mendenhall Caves – Alaska

Located in Juneau, Alaska, these ice caves are 12 miles long and lie in the heart of the Mendenhall Valley. There, the feeling is that you are walking through a tunnel lined with bright blue clouds.

11. Oneonta Gorge – Oregon

The settings that make up this Oregon nature preserve seem straight out of a fairy tale. When traversing the waters of the Columbia River Gorge, especially in summer, the pleasant walk puts the visitor in direct contact with the ferns and mosses that line the huge rock walls.

12. Dry Tortugas National Park – Florida

Yes, there is something even more spectacular besides the uninhibited fun of Key West. Take the road heading west and 110 km from Key West you will find Dry Tortugas National Park. There is Fort Jefferson, an unfinished fortress that the US Navy began building in 1847. Completely isolated from the world, access there is only by boat or seaplane.

13. Driftwood Beach – Georgia

There’s a chilling beauty to this little piece of Georgia. You can take a walk or horseback ride along this secluded beach dotted with trunks and tree roots that have been thrown onto the sand due to erosion in the north of the island. It’s a great place to enjoy a sunset, as well as being very popular for beach weddings.

14. White Sands – ​​New Mexico

It resembles an artwork, yet no, it’s a photo. And in spite of being a desert, the sand is so white, the impression is that the ridges are covered with snow. Everything there, consequently, contacts the faculties and befuddles the guest, who can make different outings in the area, find how this desert was framed and become acquainted with the animals that make their homes in the rises.

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