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South Coast of Iceland: 31 Best Things to do and See in 2023

South Coast of Iceland: 31 Best Things to do and See in 2023

Iceland is no secret destination. From its delicious food, things to do, and incredible places to visit, it famously makes for an action-packed holiday. One of these wonderful places to visit is the southern coast. The south coast of Iceland is densely packed with some of the country’s best attractions. There are so many things to do and see on the south coast of Iceland that it is one of the most famous road trip routes.

31 Best Things To Do and See on Iceland’s South Coast

Visiting the south coast of Iceland, you could combine glacier hiking, bathing in hot springs, walking black sand beaches, and exploring ice caves in just one day. The quick succession of attraction after attraction makes southern Iceland one of the most popular tourist destinations. This guide will cover the best things to do and see on Iceland’s south coast. Excited? You should be.

If you only have a small amount of time in Iceland we do recommend jumping on a tour to see the most amount of highlights in the shortest timeframe. The South of Iceland Full Day Trip from Reyjavik is a perfect way to do just that.

1. Foss a Síðu

South Coast of Iceland Foss A sidu
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Foss a Síðu is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in south Iceland. The waterfall sits on private property just off the roadside and is easily recognized by its single drop straight off dramatic green cliffs. There is a tiny town by its base, and you can walk just a few minutes along a gravel road to get closer to the falls.

It is best to visit Foss a Síðu during spring or summer when visibility is high enough to enjoy the view from a distance. The waterfall is free to see, and it is easy to park off the roadside, as there are many small roads leading to the town and local residences. Hamrafoss Cafe is often open on a seasonal basis just opposite Foss a Síðu. The small cafe has stunning views of the falls, warm drinks, and toilet facilities.

2. Skogar Museum

South Iceland Skogar Museum
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Skogar Museum is one of the prettiest historical attractions in south Iceland. The open-air museum is split into three sections, the model turf village, the Folk Museum, and the Museum of Transport. The model village is the picture-perfect postcard image of Skogar. You’ll spot traditional Icelandic housing with striking green roofs. It is a great place to immerse yourself in early Icelandic living and history. The Folk Museum is much more informative, with exhibits on ‘fishing, agriculture, farming, and natural history’, and the Museum of Transport educates visitors on the development of Iceland – particularly in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Skogar Museum is open 364 days a year between 10 am and 5 pm, although these opening times vary depending on daylight hours each season. You may find it more enjoyable in warm weather, but it is suitable to visit all year round. It costs $16 per adult and has parking conveniently on-site. Skogar Museum has toilet facilities, a cafe, and a souvenir shop.

3. Raufarholshellir

South Coast of Iceland Raufarholshellir
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Raufarholshellir is a lava tunnel cave located at the beginning of Iceland’s south coast. Visitors can take guided tours through the tunnel – admiring the lava rock, stalactites, and natural ice sculptures. Raufarholshellir is a fascinating natural attraction for those interested in geology and volcanic activity. Besides, who else can say that they’ve walked through a lava tunnel? Raufarholshellir was formed in the Leitahraun eruption around 5,200 years ago, and you can choose either a 60-minute or 3-4 hour tour through the tunnel. This scenic attraction is definitely one for your bucket list when visiting the south coast of Iceland.

Raufarholshellir is open every day between 10 am and 5 pm. Adult tickets cost $52 for the standard and $147 for the more extended tour. Raufarholshellir does have parking available, but it also offers shuttle services from Reykjavik as a day trip. You can visit any time of year, and as an indoor attraction, it is a good option on a rainy day. Winter at Raufarholshellir is made extra special by the ice sculptures, too, so don’t shy away from visiting at any time of year.

4. Take a puffin watching tour

South Iceland Puffin Watching Tour
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Iceland’s south coast is an absolute haven for tiny puffins. There are numerous viewpoints where you can spot them independently along the coast. Alternatively, you can book a tour to let an expert help you spot the little celebrities. This tour is a popular option located just outside Reykjavik. It takes you on a unique trip looking for puffins, in a RIB craft which allows you to get out there fast and get an up-close look at these amazing birds. The tour has a great success rate and offers stunning views of the Icelandic landscape as you go.

Iceland has a strict puffin season; if you want to see them, you’ll have to visit between May and August. You might get lucky and spot a few stragglers just outside of this period, but as a whole, these months are the most reliable for sightings. This tour operates during the puffin season and costs $75 per adult. You’ll find parking and basic facilities on-site.

5. Seljavallalaug Geothermal Pool

South Coast Iceland Seljavallalag Geothermal Pool
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You can visit touristy geothermal pools like the Blue Lagoon (more on that later). But what about some more rural, lesser-visited hot springs? Seljavallalaug Geothermal Pool is a more natural hot spring located just a short walk from a small car park. Allow around twenty minutes to walk to the springs, where you’ll find basic facilities, including changing rooms. The pool is a little rough and ready – don’t be surprised by the odd algae growth here and there. The natural atmosphere is worth the adventure. Seljavallalaug is also considered one of the oldest swimming pools in Iceland.

Seljavallalaug Geothermal Pool is best visited in summer when it is warmer. It is technically an all-year-round destination, though. Just be prepared to be chillier in winter and autumn, as the water’s thermal heat is lost quicker. And the best news is that Seljavallalaug Geothermal Pool is entirely free.

6. Fagrifoss

South Coast Iceland Fagrifoss
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Fagrifoss is one of the most beautiful but remote waterfalls in Iceland. Ready for an adventure? You’ll need a 4WD vehicle and a true spirit of grit. Fagrifoss is reached via a rough track and adrenaline-inducing river crossing. The splendor of the thundering white waterfall against the green moss and black basalt rock is well worth it, and reaching Fagrifoss is just part of the appeal. The waterfall is 80 meters high, and your 4WD adventure only increases the intense atmosphere.

It is best to visit Fagrifoss during summer or when there has been less rainfall. The river crossings are closed after heavy rain, so avoid traveling to Fagrifoss during this time. The waterfall is free to visit, so you won’t lose anything if you find the rivers uncrossable.

7. Fagradalsfjall Volcano

South Coast of Iceland Fagradalsfjall Volcano
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Fagradalsfjall Volcano is Iceland’s latest volcanic eruption. The volcano is located in southern Iceland and quickly became one of the island’s most famous volcanic eruptions. The slow-moving lava was predictable enough for visitors to hike and stand next to for pictures. If you want to visit a real-life, active volcano, visit Fagradalsfjall in southern Iceland. You can park on the roadside and tackle one of the hiking trails independently, but we recommend taking a guided hike to stay safe.

Guides are local experts and can track important factors like gas risks. Plus, even a short walk in Iceland often involves harsh conditions and unmarked terrain. You can book your guided hike here, and many tours offer transfers from Reykjavik as a day trip. There are little to no facilities at Fagradalsfjall, and your only cost will be the price of the tour. It is worth checking the volcano’s activity status so you know what to expect and plan to hike in spring or summer for optimal visibility.

8. Dverghamrar

South Coast Iceland Dverghamrar
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Dverghamrar is small but awe-inspiring. The tiny canyon is lined with basalt columns in hexagonal shapes and is located just off of the Ring Road, almost opposite Foss a Síðu. It is a dreamy location for a quick photoshoot and ideal if you want a quick ten-minute stop off on a south coast road trip. A tiny walking path cuts through Dverghamrar and loops back to a little car park. Take your time walking through, reading the informative signs, and pausing for pictures.

Dverghamrar is free to visit and suitable at any time of year – keep in mind that the walking path will get icy and slippery. There are no facilities at the canyon itself, although Hamrafoss Cafe is worth visiting for toilets and refreshments if it is open. It is less than a ten-minute walk from the Dverghamrar car park.

9. Gljufrabui

South Coast Iceland Gljufrabui Waterfall
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Gljufrabui is a secret waterfall hidden in a narrow canyon next to Seljalandsfoss Waterfall. Gljufrabui is just a short walk to the left of its neighboring major waterfall, and you’ll need to hopscotch across a series of natural stepping stones to reach it, so bring some waterproof boots and trousers. The canyon is stunning, with towering moss-covered walls of bright green, and it feels like navigating a slot canyon.

Gljufrabui is free to visit and has parking available near the trailhead. It does get a little busy (the best secrets are impossible to keep, after all) so visit out of peak season and hours if you want it to yourself or embrace the crowds.

10. Visit an Ice Cave

South Iceland Ice Caves
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Natural ice caves are nothing short of magical, and the south coast of Iceland has plenty. The caves are formed as meltwater moves through glacial ice, with glacial rivers hollowing out the ice to create caverns and beautiful tunnels. The best time to visit the caves is between winter and spring when temperatures are colder, and the caves are more intact.

While it is technically possible to visit ice caves alone, we don’t recommend it. Book a guided tour where experts lead you to the newest and most impressive ice caves. You’ll be given crampons and a hard hat for safety, and you’ll benefit from expert assistance and knowledge of the land. Tours usually involve a short glacier hike to reach the ice caves, which is an adventure in itself. You can book visits to ice caves on most of the glaciers on the south coast, including Katla Glacier, which is accessible from Vik.

11. Horseback Riding

South Coast of Iceland Horseback Riding
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Horseback riding is a bucket list thing to do south coast of Iceland, especially considering all the beautiful black sand beaches. Icelandic horses are tiny, fluffy creatures with stoic personalities and surprising strength for their small size. Icelandic horses are also famed for their unique fifth gait. Not only can they walk, trot, canter, and gallop, but they can also tolt. A tolt is a four-beat gait that looks like a speed walk, and it is the perfect gait for covering large distances at a slightly faster pace than walking.

You can find horseback riding tours along the south coast and ring road. There is a riding center in Vik, Bakkahestar Horse Riding Tours, and Mr. Iceland Horseback Riding Tours. Look online at the different options and coincide your ride with good weather for the best experience.

12. Fjallsárlón Glacier Lagoon

South Coast of Iceland Fjallsarlon Glacier Lagoon
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Fjallsárlón lagoon is one of the prettiest glacier lagoons in Iceland, and this glacier lake is well worth visiting when you visit the south coast. Forget being in Iceland; Fjallsárlón lagoon feels like you’ve been transported to Antarctica. The lake is located right at the tongue of the glacier, and Fjallsárlón is one of Iceland’s most impressive outlet glaciers. Standing on the lake’s shores, you’ll look straight up at the glacier tongue, surrounded by icebergs floating in the water.

You can visit and take a short walk along the lagoon’s shores or take to the waters on an iceberg boat tour. A boat tour is a fantastic way to get close to some of the most dramatic icebergs, and prices start at $65 per adult. Otherwise, enjoying Fjallsárlón glacier lagoon from the shores is entirely free. You’ll find toilets and parking available.

13. Westman Islands

South Coast Iceland Westman Islands
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Visiting Westman Islands is no mean feat. The tiny islands are located off the south coast of Iceland and are only accessible by ferry. The ferry ride is dramatic mid-winter, and you’ll have icebergs galore to spot along the way. The islands are volcanic, with jagged rock formations and rugged natural beauty. The Westman Islands are famed for bird and whale watching – so keep your eyes peeled and bring a good pair of binoculars.

The best time to visit the Westman Islands is in summer or spring when puffins and whales are more commonly sighted. During this period, the ferry crossing will be much smoother as well. You can leave your car and take the ferry as a foot passenger or bring the car with you to maximize what you see during your trip. Tickets cost $14 per adult one way and between $21 to $28 if you bring a car (depending on size). You will find basic facilities like cafes and toilets when you arrive.

14. Geysir Geothermal Area

The Geysir Geothermal Area is one of the most concentrated small areas of geysers and hot springs in Iceland. While not technically on the Ring Road loop, Geysir is only a two-hour detour – which is good for Iceland. It is a popular day trip from Reykjavik, and if you are completing the south coast over multiple days, it is a worthwhile addition to your itinerary.

The most famous geyser in Geysir is Stokkur, which explodes every ten minutes at heights of up to twenty meters. There is also a range of bubbling springs and brightly colored sulfurous waters dotted around the area. The Geysir Geothermal Area feels like it is on another planet or at least like you’ve been sent back to prehistoric times. You’ll find parking opposite the site with a visitor center offering refreshments and toilet facilities. The area is fantastic at any time of year, although it will be easier to reach in warmer months.

15. Svínafellsjökull Glacier

South Coast of Iceland Svinafellsjokull Glacier
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Svínafellsjökull Glacier is another stunning glacier located along Iceland’s south coast. There is a beautiful viewpoint just a short drive down a side road off the Ring Road. You park in the free car park and then walk the remainder of the route. Walking around the glacier lagoon at the base of Svínafellsjökull Glacier is a serene hiking trail, and you’ll have stunning views of icebergs and the glacier itself.

Svínafellsjökull Glacier has free toilets, parking, and restaurants nearby. It is one of the easiest glacier detours along the Ring Road and is conveniently located right next to Skaftafell, a significant tourist destination on Iceland’s south coast. If you don’t want to go glacier hiking but still want to get up close to a glacier, then Svínafellsjökull Glacier is for you.

16. Kvernufoss Waterfall

South Coast Iceland Kvernufoss waterfall
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Kvernufoss Waterfall is that waterfall. The powerful single-drop waterfall drops off moss-covered cliff faces, partially obscured by the curved cliff face. Visitors take a short walk to Kvernufoss Waterfall, walking alongside the river on a graveled walking path for about ten minutes before reaching the base. Kvernufoss Waterfall was once relatively under-appreciated, but it is now becoming one of Iceland’s most popular waterfalls to visit. And, located right next to the Skogar Museum, it is easily added to even the busiest itineraries.

There are parking, toilet, and refreshment facilities near the Kvernufoss Waterfall trailhead. It is free to enter, although you should treat yourself to a hot drink from Cafe Skogar once you’ve visited. Kvernufoss Waterfall is prettiest after heavy rainfall, which is something to consider when planning a visit.

17. Solheimasandur Plane Wreck

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Solheimasandur Plane Wreck is a fascinating spot on the south coast of Iceland. The plane wreck has been there for over 50 years, and while a tragic scene, it has also become a beloved south coast attraction. You can enter the plane itself and, when you’ve explored, can walk a little further to enjoy the black sand beach that it is situated just before.

Visiting Solheimasandur Plane Wreck is free unless you choose a guided tour (Usually by ATV). Reaching the plane wreck requires a 45-minute walk each way, starting from the Solheimasandur Plane Wreck car park off the Ring Road. Because of the lengthy walk, we recommend visiting Solheimasandur Plane Wreck during spring or summer, when the weather is milder and hiking is more enjoyable. Alternatively, purchase shuttle bus tickets to save time, warmth, and energy.

18. Fjaðrárgljúfur

South Coast of Iceland Fjadrargljufur Canyon
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Fjaðrárgljúfur is a beautiful, two million-year-old canyon on the south coast. At around 2km in length, it is a lovely outdoor attraction to spend a few hours exploring. Fjaðrá river runs through the canyon’s center, with characteristic snakes and curves. Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is so magnificent that it has been used in films and music videos – from Game of Thrones to Justin Bieber’s “I’ll Show You”.

You’ll find toilets and parking available, but otherwise limited facilities. It is worth checking that Fjaðrárgljúfur is open before visiting as well, as it is frequently closed to allow nature to recover from the hoards of tourists. Visiting is free, so add it to your list of budget-friendly attractions on Iceland’s south coast.

19. Skogafoss Waterfall

South Coast of Iceland Skogafoss
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The mighty Skógafoss waterfall is one of the most famous waterfalls in Iceland. Visitors park in a small car park off the Ring Road and hike a short distance along a well-laid trail to reach the base of the falls. If you want, challenge yourself to an additional 370 steps to reach the top of the falls, where you can peer down at the waterfall below. Skogafoss is the ultimate picture of mighty nature, and it is a great natural attraction on Iceland’s south coast.

Skogafoss waterfall is free to visit and offers parking. It is also located next to the Skogar Museum and a collection of other waterfalls, so it is perfect for combining with other attractions. It remains open all year round, although you should take care in wet and slippery weather.

20. Reynisfjara Beach

South Coast of Iceland Reynisfjara Beach
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The south coast of Iceland is famed for its black sand beaches, and Reynisfjara Beach proves why. The beach is characterized by its jagged basalt columns set into a massive cliff face. The combination of jet-black basalt columns and the black sand is stunning, and you can walk further down the beach to visit Halsanefshellir Cave, which is formed mainly by basalt columns.

Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach is easily accessed by turning off the Ring Road and driving down the 215 road for just over five minutes. Parking at the end of the road, you then walk directly onto the beach. Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach is free for people to visit, which is a great bonus. You can visit any time of year; be mindful of freak waves in bad weather.

21. Blue Lagoon

South Coast of Iceland Blue Lagoon
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Who hasn’t heard of the Blue Lagoon? (We wrote a whole post on how to visit the Blue Lagoon here)Even if you think you haven’t, you’ve probably seen it on Instagram or in marketing campaigns. It is the most famous geothermal lagoon in Iceland and is a popular day trip from Reykjavik. Located on the far west edge of the south coast, it is a great attraction for anyone with limited time in Iceland. The hot spring is heated by byproducts from the nearby geothermal power station and is a striking milk-blue color.

You can spend hours wading through the different pool sections, and there’s a mixture of natural volcanic rocks and manmade extras like a sauna, steam room, and cave section. Guests also get a complimentary face mask and an alcoholic or soft drink of their choice. There are facilities galore – including toilets, changing rooms, showers, restaurants, cafes, and luxury accommodations. Opening times range from around 8 am until 9 pm, depending on the season, and standard adult tickets cost $60.

22. Go Ice Climbing on a Glacier

Fancy something more challenging than a standard glacier hike? How about ice climbing? Ice climbing is an excellent activity on the south coast of Iceland, especially on outlet glaciers like Sólheimajökull Glacier. For safety reasons, the only way to go ice climbing is to book a guided tour – but this has its benefits. You’ll be provided with all the climbing equipment and safety gear and led by expert instructors to tackle sections of the glaciers for ultimate views.

Ice climbing is tricky, but you can partake as a beginner or advanced ice climber. It is more expensive than glacier hiking because of the more advanced nature of the experience. You can check out guided ice-climbing tours like this online. Ice climbing is an all-year-round activity.

23. Múlagljúfur Canyon

South Coast Iceland Mulagljufur Canyon
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Múlagljúfur Canyon is one of the lesser visited canyons on the south coast – but who knows why because it is gorgeous. To reach the canyon, take a detour off the Ring Road down a gravel road for approximately ten minutes. You then reach a small car park where there’s a tiny trailhead. You hike for around thirty minutes before you reach a stunning viewpoint over the canyon. Get ready to channel your inner Jurassic Park because the green moss and film-worthy canyon cliffs have a real prehistoric atmosphere.

Múlagljúfur Canyon is free to visit and open all year round. It is probably best to visit in spring or summer when hiking is safer and more enjoyable, but dry weather and good visibility are the most critical factors. There are no facilities at Múlagljúfur Canyon, so be prepared to rough it a little.

24. Skaftafell Nature Reserve

South Coast of Iceland Skaftafell Nature Reserve
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Skaftafell is a vast reserve, full of everything from glaciers to volcanoes and more hiking trails than you know what to do with. The oldest rocks in the park are around five million years old, and nature is sublime. Skaftafell is perfect for outdoor attraction seekers in spring and summer. You can also visit the visitor center and its cafe all year round. The visitor center is great for extra tips and advice on what to see and do inside the park. It is a diverse display of Icelandic nature, and you could be admiring ice caves one moment and waterfalls the next. Keep your eyes out for any guided tours and excursions in the reserve.

The park is free to visit and has ample parking. There are also basic facilities like toilets and refreshments at the Skaftafell cafe. While suitable all year round, Skaftafell is more of a spring and summer destination when its hiking trails open.

25. Sólheimajökull Glacier

South Coast of Iceland Solheimajokull Glacier
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We’ve talked about glacier hiking, but where best to do it? We vote for Sólheimajökull Glacier. This glacier is known for its striking blue ice and mottled black and white ash-covered sections, and you can easily book one of the Sólheimajökull Glacier hikes. Donning a pair of crampons and a hard hat is an exciting way to experience one of Iceland’s most beautiful natural attractions.

Sólheimajökull Glacier is not far from Vik, and you can book many glacier hiking tours in Vik itself, getting transfers to the glacier base. Glacier hiking is a suitable activity all year round (although more pleasant in warmer, drier weather), and most tour operators have basic facilities like toilets and parking on site.

26. Svartifoss Waterfall

South Coast Iceland Svartifoss
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Svartifoss is a beautiful waterfall set in a wall of basalt columns, giving it a unique 3D effect. Basalt columns are photogenic but matched with a stunning 20-meter waterfall, and the result is mesmerizing. To reach the waterfall, you hike for approximately 40 minutes each way. The trailhead is right next to Skaftafell Visitor Center and a car park. It is a great free thing to do on Iceland’s south coast – especially if you love waterfalls.

While visiting, you should combine Svartifoss Waterfall with Skaftafell Glacier, Hundafoss, and perhaps a puffin tour. The trail itself lacks facilities. However, the visitor center has toilets and refreshments, which is convenient. Svartifoss Waterfall is most suited to spring and summer hiking when the trail is clear and easier.

27. Seljalandsfoss Waterfall

South Coast of Iceland Seljalandfoss Waterfall
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Be prepared to see a lot of waterfalls along the south coast of Iceland, but Seljalandsfoss is one of the best. Seljalandsfoss Waterfall is best known for its section behind the falls, where you can stand behind the waterfall – getting a little wet from the spray but getting a unique perspective of the water’s power. It is easily accessed just a short walk from a car park off the Ring Road.

Seljalandsfoss is free to enter and has paid parking available for those driving. It is best to visit on a non-windy day to go behind the falls without getting as wet. Since it is a very popular waterfall, try to visit during the shoulder seasons like September and October to avoid the masses of crowds.

28. Vatnajökull National Park

South Coast of Iceland Vatnajokull National Park
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Vatnajökull National Park is home to the enormous Vatnajökull Glacier and some of the best outdoor adventures on the Icelandic South Coast. Its glacier is the largest in Europe, and the park is 5,460 square miles. Only officially named a national park in 2008, Vatnajökull National Park marked a new dawn of preservation in Iceland. Fascinatingly, Vatnajökull National Park covers approximately 80% of Iceland’s landmass. It includes many attractions already in this guide – like Skaftafell Nature Reserve. However, it is such a big part of the south coast’s tourism scene that we had to give it its own slot.

Vatnajökull National Park is free to enter, but it is also best explored on guided tours if you want to partake in tours activities like glacier hiking. The Vatnajökull National Park has many facilities and visitor centers, but some areas are completely remote with no permanent human structures. Similarly, some areas have parking, whereas others aren’t even accessible by road. Research specific destinations in Vatnajökull National Park carefully and enquire ahead if you are unsure when booking a tour.

29. Diamond Beach

South Coast of Iceland Diamond Beach
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A trip to the south coast of Iceland is only complete if you visit Diamond beach. Diamond Beach gets its name from the washed-up icebergs on its shores, and the icebergs have a bright, diamond-like glint that has made the beach popular amongst photographers and tourists alike. The beach has black sand, heightening the contrast and making the aesthetic even more beautiful.

Diamond Beach is entirely free to visit and offers free parking. It is also located right next to the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon, so it is well combined with a visit to the lagoon or boat ride to spot icebergs. While Diamond Beach is suitable to visit all year round, be mindful of freak waves, especially in bad weather.

30. Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon

South Coast of Iceland Famous Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon
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Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon is a stunning natural attraction on Iceland’s south coast. The glacial lake lies in the wake of Jökulsárlón Glacier, decorated with glistening iceberg sand and the odd seal sunbathing. You can visit multiple viewpoints around the lake’s edge or take to the waters with a zodiac boat tour. This is a fantastic way to get close to icebergs and wildlife.

Visiting the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon is free, and zodiac tours cost $97. It includes just over an hour in the water, and you’ll have a small group experience where you can ask your guide lots of questions and get almost one-to-one attention. Getting close to the icebergs is mesmerizing, so remember to bring a camera. you can also book a Full Day trip from Reyjavik if you have limited time.

31. Black Sand Beach at Vik

South Coast of Iceland Black Sand Beach Vik
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Just around the other side of the headland from Reynisfjara, Vik’s black sand beach has a different atmosphere. You can watch horses race down the coast from the nearby horseback riding center, walk with other tourists and local families, and admire distant rock formations offshore. There’s more of a community feel.

Vik is such a central point on the south coast of Iceland. If you want to book last-minute tours, visiting the black sand beach is a great way to fill in time while waiting in Vik. The beach is free to enter, has parking, and is suitable no matter the season. Just be wary of those freak waves we’ve mentioned in lousy weather.

South Coast of Iceland FAQs

South Coast of Iceland FAQ
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Now that we’ve covered all the best things to do and see on Iceland’s south coast let’s look at some essential information. These are the most common south coast of Iceland FAQs.

How to get to the South Coast of Iceland

How to get to the south coast of Iceland
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Getting to the south coast of Iceland is surprisingly easy – as long as you have a driving license and rent a car. First, you fly into Keflavik International Airport. The airport has direct connections to hundreds of destinations, so reaching Iceland by plane is a simple first step. Then, hire a car at the airport and drive an hour to Selfoss to join Route 1 – aka the Ring Road that circles the whole of Iceland and is the main road that cuts through southern Iceland.

If you don’t drive, this is where things get a little trickier. You’ll have to catch the Flybus into Reykjavik, catch multiple buses to reach Selfoss, or purchase a shuttle ticket. Allow up to three hours if you are getting to the south coast of Iceland this way. It is possible and will need a bit of extra planning.

Getting around the South Coast of Iceland

Getting Around the South Coast of Iceland
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Driving is the most enjoyable way to get around the south coast of Iceland. The ring road is easy to drive, and even off-the-beaten-track attractions that require detours still have relatively easy gravel roads. Just be mindful of icy road conditions in the winter months. It is also worth downloading offline maps with your Google Maps account to avoid getting lost in areas with limited or no signal. Don’t rely on being able to use data.

If you can’t drive, you can use public buses. There’s also a hop-on, hop-off bus service that departs from Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik and stops at some of the major destinations along the south coast of Iceland. These stops include Selfoss, Hella, Seljalandsfoss, and Vik. While you will have much less freedom to decide when, where, and how long to stop, getting around the south coast of Iceland by bus is feasible. It is ideal for those who can’t drive, want to save money, and are happy to stick to the main attractions.

Best time to visit the South Coast of Iceland

Best Time to Visit Icelands South Coast
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The winter months may be best for experiencing the northern lights and magical dark nights, but the best time to visit the south coast is during the summer months. Summer in Iceland lasts from June to August (although September is a good shoulder month alternative), and you can experience the midnight sun during this time.

In summer, you have more daylight hours, better driving conditions, and more tourist services running – like the hop-on-hop-off shuttle bus. It is more practical and enjoyable when visiting the south coast of Iceland.

To Conclude

Top things to do on Icelands South Coast
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The Icelandic south coast is a beautiful region of Iceland. The hundreds of things to see and do make it the perfect place to enjoy the ‘land of fire and ice’. Whether you walk hiking trails past ice caps and glacial rivers, relax on a black sand beach, sightsee Iceland’s tallest waterfalls, or venture to a plane wreck, you’ll stay entertained. Iceland’s south coast has memories to last a lifetime. We hope you enjoy every minute of it.

When you’ve explored the south coast of Iceland, why not challenge yourself to go further? You could complete the famed Golden Circle road trip or even embark on the ultimate Ring Road route. Iceland is full of fascinating facts, places, and things to do – the southern coast is just the beginning.

Plan your next trip to Iceland with these Resources

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